Atreyu the Pug

 You ever look at someone and wonder what is going on in their head? What makes them think of you? Do they ever think of anything else?

The answer is:

1. Food

2. When food is not involved

3. Food is the end game

I have known my best friend for, going on, six years now. When I first picked him up he was 8lbs, so small and tiny, but so round. He slept all the way home, was a 6 hours drive, he didn't know that his life was changing and I didn't know he would change mine.

Six years later, a lot heavier, and not quite so young anymore, he has begun to gray even further with each passing year. He is young at heart, loves to play, swim and cuddle. He has his favorite blankets, pillows, and laps. While he does deal with a great deal of anxiety on a daily basis, he can be quite calm and at peace. His favorite thing to do is sit in the living room and watch life outside the window, seeing the neighbors ride their bikes, run and even walk their furry friends.

He is the most patient person I have ever met, so loving and understanding, I think he'd wait for me forever if he could. I don't think we as humans realize how much we do not deserve dogs, they are ever faithful and they really do love us.

Atreyu, my best friend, and soulmate, I love you.
